Going postal in Beaverton
"Emergency" contractor "is the son of... a manager at the Beaverton post office." USPS spokesman: "We all have relatives that work in different facets of the post office" Willamette Week
Post Office Has Limits ...
An Amazon seller discovers there's a limit to how many packages she can mail at once... Amazon Seller Community Forum
Contract postal carriers get more routes
"One new housing development at a time, more non-postal service mail carriers are taking on routes across the nation..." Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Transcript of USPS/PRC Customer Summit
The PRC has posted a transcript of the March 13 'Summit' session entitled "Meeting Customer Needs in a Changing Regulatory Environmrnt'. (Note that this is a 276 page .pdf file, apparently scanned from a typed copy). PRC web site
USPS Board Approves Rate Increases, new rates effective May 14... ...except that the Governors "have concluded that three issues -- Standard Mail flats, the Nonmachinable Surcharge for First-Class Mail letters, and the Priority Mail Flat Rate Box -- would benefit from further consideration", and requuested the PRC reconsider them on an expedited basis. - Text of the Governors' decision textpdf - Coverage of the decision from DMNews.comComment
Postal service aims to improve
"Complaints about late mail and no delivery have been signed, sealed and delivered to the U.S. Postal Service, and the Albuquerque plant is working to make those complaints obsolete." Albuquerque Tribune
Postal-bag cuts mean layoffs for 250 disabled workers
(Note: this is the same company that, according a January 21 article in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "...has taken its executives on a Lake Minnetonka party boat, given them $100 bills to gamble with at a casino and sprung for a retreat for executives and their spouses at a golf-spa resort... At the most recent getaway, executives played golf and discussed plans to lay off workers." St. Paul Business Journal
You've Got Mail- But it isn't always the USPS delivering it "Mail delivery finally came Monday to a west-side housing development after a two-month search for a private contractor by the U.S. Postal Service that even included posting a query on Craigslist." Willamette Week
Postal Service aims to save with "independent carriers"
"Looking to cut costs nationwide, the Postal Service will now award contracts to nonpostal employees for deliveries in large new housing tracts... these independent contractors don't get benefits." Fresno Bee
Reaction to contracting out from the Democratic Underground blog (best comment: "Now we can look forward to the same kind of service the soldiers at Walter Reed get")
Rate increase a 'fatal blow' for catalogs?
"in the 1990s, the Clinton Administration was busy eliminating welfare.... the reality was that welfare was simply transferred to a full employment program in the federal government. The USPS... and a host of other agencies all swelled and absorbed a large number of the nation’s unemployed" DMNews.com commentary "by Donald R. Libey, president Libey Inc., a direct marketing advisory and consulting firm in Des Moines, IA. Reach Mr. Libey at libey@libey.com."
Strange Bedfellows
Why is the APWU's Burrus 'in bed' with a rabidly anti-postal, anti-union lobbying group? APWU Burrus Update Why indeed... postalnews blog
Long time, no see: Post offices hide their clocks
USPS: "We want people to focus on postal service and not the clock." Marketing expert: "It's silly, I guess they think people don’t have watches." Fort Worth Star-Telegram