Here's an irony for you... Postcom asks: if collection boxes are disappearing, and it's not safe to leave mail in your mailbox, how do you send a letter?
eNAPUS Legislative Newsletter
This week: NAPUS Prepares for 2007 Leadership Conference, Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Begins to Organize, FEHBP In the Spotlight
Avoiding canine confrontation
“Dog Whisperer” comes to the aid of letter carriers If you missed Cesar Millan's segment on dogs and letter carriers last night, the episode airs again this afternoon at 2 on the National Geographic Channel, and Friday Feb. 2 at 4PM. Click here for a video excerpt from the show. USPS News Link
Update: Man killed in accident at Massachusetts PO
The individual who died was not a postal employee, but was retrieving a fork lift he had used earlier in the day to remove equipment he had purchased during an auction at the post office. Springfield Republican
Postal Prying Cartoonist Daryl Cagle has compiled a collection of editorial cartoons commenting on George Bush's assertion that he can open your mail without a warrant.
Uncle Sam's Super CD
Mike's annual reminder for CSRS employees about the Voluntary Contribution Program Mike Causey's Federal Report for
APWU Membership Ratifies Four-Year Contract
"APWU members ratified a four-year Collective Bargaining Agreement by a vote of 84,486 to 12,016." APWU News An Open Letter to the Union Membership "Unfortunately, a majority of the members did not exercise their right to express their approval or disapproval of the negotiated provisions that will affect their lives over the four-year term of the agreement." "The dates of the retroactive pay and the identification of the 200 work-year offices are expected to be available within the next 14 days and will be published as soon as they are known." APWU Burrus Update
Postal carrier claims crime was part of job
""McDonald stated, in general, he attempts to deliver all the mail, and if unable to do so, he then puts the undelivered mail in the Dumpster ... if he was making a delivery to a customer and their mailbox was full or the customer 'was away,' he would put the current mail in the Dumpster." West Valley (AZ) View
Direct mail faces year of reckoning
"All the evidence I’ve seen and heard in the last few months suggests that a significant number of marketers will reduce their direct mail volume in 2007." Eric Schmitt commentary for
Editorial: Follow letter of law
"Bush opens way for attack on privacy of personal correspondence by taking exception to mail safeguard" Atlanta Journal Constitution
Bush: I've got mail! And it's yours!
W pushes envelope on U.S. spying: A New York Daily News 'exclusive' (on the story the blogs told us about last week). More on Bush's Postal Reform Signing Statement
The USPS Shapes Up
"Great. We won. Congress has passed a postal reform bill, and our worries are over, right?" DIRECT
APWU Locals Encouraged to Get Out the Vote
"Noting that participation in the contract ratification process has hovered in the range of only 33 percent, APWU President William Burrus is urging local presidents to get out the vote." APWU News