Young: Carrier VERA not likely until next year
"Young, who is in close contact with USPS on the issue, emphasized that if there is an “early out” offer to city letter carriers, it would be limited and not likely to occur before 2009." NALC News
Editorial: Rocking the mail boat
"Summer residents of Sutton Island (Maine) have lost their special private postal service, and there may be a moral to the story." Bangor Daily News
GAO: Data Needed to Assess the Effectiveness of Outsourcing
"The [Postal] Service does not have a comprehensive mechanism for measuring results, including any actual savings; therefore, it could not provide information on the effectiveness of its outsourcing." Government Accountability Office
House hearing on USPS network plans set for 2 PM today
(Live webcast of the hearing will be available at the above link, along with chairman and witness statements) House Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and the District of Columbia