Parcel dispute prevents agreement on reform bill
From "It has been reported that efforts to secure enactment of postal reform last night failed. Reportedly, disagreements over the disposition of single-piece parcels were insurmountable."
Editorial: Going Postal On Taxpayers
"Postmaster General John E. Potter is right about one thing: His agency's former public affairs chief, Azeezaly S. Jaffer, has left quite a legacy." Hartford Courant
Why It Pays To Organize
"Postal employees, the most unionized folks in the federal family, will continue to pay lower health insurance premiums than white collar civil servants next year." Mike Causey for
Burrus: Enough Is Enough!
"While mailing-industry spokesmen wage a constant propaganda tirade against the salary and benefits received by hard-working postal employees, behind closed doors these phonies demand continued excessive discounts in order to pad their own profits." APWU News
Jaffer Scandal Heats Up
"On Friday, Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) who chairs the House Committee on Government Reform, and the committee's ranking minority member, Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), sent a letter to Potter requesting a pile of records linked to Jaffer's case. "The Inspector General's report of clearly unacceptable conduct by a senior postal official is troubling to all of us," the letter reads. The Postal Service has until Sept. 28 to respond." Washington Post more: read Jaffer's response to the OIG charges
GOP, Dems embrace post office legislation
No, not postal reform legislation, just slapping names on post offices: "Post office naming is now the most common form of legislation" The Hill